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Mobile App Design | Languages Used In Programming And Its Importance

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Mobile App Design | Languages Used In Programming And Its Importance

Mobile App Design | Languages Used In Programming And Its Importance

If your goal is to have an application for your business, then surely making mobile app designs with us in Alalmiya Alhura will be your way to achieve your goal and increase your sales. We provide innovative solutions and are pioneers in providing mobile app design services on various platforms: Google Play, Apple Store, and Huawei, professionally and according to modern standards. This is because phone app design has become the perfect investment for the future.

Phone app design
The Benefits of Designing Mobile Apps at Alalmiya Alhura
  • Affordable hosting plans that cater to the needs of all clients.
  • Our mobile application programming and design services are fast and easy to use.
  • We use the latest programming and design languages for mobile apps.
  • Content is written to fit all screen sizes.
  • If the mobile application requires it, we can provide e-payment services.
  • We provide the highest levels of security and protection for your business activity and customer data.
  • Technical support and customer service are available after the mobile application design is completed.

app design
Mobile App Design is Divided into

In Alalmiya Alhura. We program and design mobile applications to suit all operating systems:

Android Operating System

We are fully aware of Google Play's specific conditions for accepting applications on the store and ensuring their continued existence on it. In addition, we are keen to keep abreast of all programming language updates and measure their efficiency and application acceptance conditions to ensure that the application is developed with all updates.

iOS Operating System

It is known that Apple's updates are permanent and continuous, which is precisely what we are keen to keep pace with while mobile app design for the iPhone. We use flexible languages and technologies so that they are updatable so that the app does not disappear from the App Store, and we can develop it efficiently.



It is a system that allows developers to seamlessly build an application that is compatible with several major operating systems, such as Android and iOS, where developers write the code once and then reuse it, making it possible to release a product quickly and with the highest quality

programming languages
Programming Languages Used in Mobile App Design

First: Android Operating System

Java Language Used in Phone App Design

The Java language is considered one of the most powerful and oldest programming languages, and it is also an excellent environment for developing mobile applications on all platforms. For the design of Android applications, Java is an effortless way to professionally design mobile applications.

Kotlin Language

It is also one of the most powerful programming languages that has become available in recent times, thanks to the advantages it has provided, the most important of which is solving many of the restrictions that existed in the Java language. This made Google adopt it as the official language for developing Android applications.

XML Language Used in Mobile App Design

It is known as “Extensible Markup Language”. This language allows us to store and define data in a shareable way, enabling us to exchange information between different computer systems, such as databases, third-party websites, and applications.

Second: Flutter Used in Mobile App Design

Dart Language

Dart is an open-source programming language released in 2011. It is a multi-purpose language that supports object-oriented programming (OOP). You basically contribute to writing only one piece of code that runs on multiple platforms at the same time. This means that code written in this language can run on Android, the web, and iOS without having to rewrite or change the code.

Flutter Framework

The Flutter framework is one of the most important frameworks used in mobile app design that can be used with Android and iOS operating systems, and it was developed using the Dart language. One of the most essential features of this framework is that it is cross-platform.

Third: iOS Operating System

Swift Language Used in Mobile App Design

Swift is the developed programming language that develops applications and programs for operating systems for Apple products such as iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS, and Linux, and it was built to provide the maximum degree of security and speed to obtain outstanding performance for users.

Objective C Language

Objective-C is a programming language used in the OS X and iOS operating systems and its application programming interfaces (APIs). It is an object-oriented, general-purpose language and adds new features to C programming languages.

Phone App Design
Backend Role in Phone App Design

The Back End is responsible for the codes that run on the server, and it is the one that receives requests from clients and then sends the appropriate data back to the client. The Back End also includes the database, which will store all the electronic application data continuously.

Languages Used in the Design of Back-End Mobile Apps

PHP Language

PHP is an open-source scripting language. It is one of the most popular languages used in mobile app design. It is characterized as a safe and solid language, and its support continues largely and broadly.

Python Language

The strength and popularity of the Python language lies in its ease of use and shortening of the code used. It can also be used in many fields, such as mobile app design, artificial intelligence, and desktop applications.

C# Language

C# is a modern, general-purpose programming language, and it is an object-oriented language derived from C++. This language is part of the NET Framework. Best of all, it simplifies the complexities of C++.

Java Language

Java is an open-source, static, and safe general-purpose programming language.


One of the essential advantages of ASP is that it is fast and provides high protection, and this is due to the way it handles data and all inputs. ASP works with MCV technology, which means “Model View Controller,” and this is the method used to divide the different parts of the application, and this, in turn, works to provide greater control and provides more protection.

Node. Js

Node.Js is relied upon to save time and effort while ensuring professional results in phone app design. One of its most important features is that it is open-source and available to all programmers. What distinguishes Node.Js most is that it is fast in mobile app design.

Back-End Mobile Apps
Databases Used in Designing Back-End Mobile Apps

While programming languages perform all mathematical and logical operations, transactions, and program interface design, databases store data and perform some actions that serve the matter of providing data and enabling easy access to it in addition to organizing and managing it.

MongoDB Used in Mobile App Design

MongoDB is an open-source system used to manage Non-Relational Databases just like NoSQL and Cassandra. MongoDB enables us to manage database information, whether it is commands related to deleting, adding, modifying, or retrieving.


It is the Structured Query Language (SQL). This language is used to store and process information in the database. A database stores information in the form of a table consisting of rows and columns that represent the various data attributes and the relationships between the values of that data. You can also use SQL to maintain and improve database performance.

NoSQL Used in Mobile App Design

NoSQL databases provide a variety of data models such as key-value, documents, and graphs, which are optimized for performance and size.

Mobile App Design
Steps of the Mobile App Design Process
  1. The planning stage is the first stage of mobile app design.
  2. The stage of drawing up the wireframe for the application.
  3. Next comes the application interface design stage.
  4. The programming stage, in which the code for the application is written.
  5. Here begins the application testing phase, in which all application functions are tested.
  6. Finally, delivery of the application to the client.

  With us, we guarantee that these steps will be done with high professionalism. We guarantee that you will get an application with a distinctive design and an easy-to-use interface. Most importantly, we ensure that you will preserve your data and the data of your customers.

The Importance of Mobile App Design
The Importance of Mobile App Design for Your Business

Applications has become part of all activities in our daily lives. Therefore they will certainly be handy for your business. This is for

the following reasons:

  • Mobile app design contributes to the possibility of reaching new customers by publishing it on various application platforms such as Google Play, App Store, App Gallery, and Huawei.
  • The "Sending Notifications" feature enables you to easily reach customers with all that is new, regardless of the purpose of designing your 0application.
  • The application facilitates the process of direct communication with customers through chat services that you can add to it.
  • The online application will save you a lot of costs spent on advertising campaigns.
  • The electronic application makes it easier for you to reach customers all over the world, not just the Arab world, and it also works to spread confidence in the business.

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